How do you make a log fence?

Забор из брёвен Fence

Log fence is quite a rare type of fence in comparison with various analogs. The key feature of such a fence is that it stands out with its coloring against the background of similar structures. Today it is quite important for every owner, because the desire to emphasize their individuality should be displayed in all aspects of life. Such an original fence is easy to make with your own hands. The process is quite simple, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the main aspects of the process and get an assistant. An assistant will be extremely useful, because the log is quite large and weighs a lot.

Pros and cons of a log fence

Log fence in the private sector
Log fence in the private sector

Before you start working with your own hands, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons of such a hedge to clearly determine its necessity. To the positive qualities can be attributed:

1. Attractive and original appearance. Such a fence will certainly attract the attention of passers-by.

2. If the fence from the cylindrical log is erected correctly, it will be characterized by special durability.

3. The thickness of the logs indicates not only the strength and reliability of the structure, but also its durability.

4. If properly treated, the wood will be resistant to all weather influences, whether it is wind, rain or snow.

5. The material is environmentally friendly. Now many homeowners pay special attention to this criterion.

Such fences have a large number of positive aspects, which are primarily related to the massiveness of the fence. But it is worth noting that behind the succession of pluses, large logs lurk in themselves and disadvantages. To the negative qualities can be attributed the following:

1. Due to the large weight of the structure must provide a more reliable base and strong support part, and this is an additional expense for materials.

2. As noted earlier, the erection of such a fence – a very labor-intensive process, and without the help of an assistant can not do without. Therefore, to perform the work exclusively with your own hands will not work, you will have to resort to someone else’s help.

3. Creating log fences is a costly process in terms of materials, which means that you will have to lay out a round sum of money.

4. Wood is a very capricious material that regularly requires treatment and maintenance. You will have to treat the fence almost every year.

5. If the logs in the fence will be stacked tightly, it is necessary to spend extra time and effort to dry them properly, otherwise the fence is in danger of deformation.

Having analyzed the disadvantages, we can conclude that, first of all, the question of finances arises. Such a decorative fence will not be affordable for every owner.

Common varieties of fences made of logs


To build a fence from roundwood, it is necessary to decide on the type of construction. To date, the most popular are the following types of fences:

1. Oftenkol. The design is a tightly connected logs in the vertical projection, which go into the ground. The part of the structure that is in the ground is subject to additional processing.

2. Oftenkolok can be of another kind. In the second case, they use a smaller-diameter otsilindrovka, which is attached to the cross laths. The latter are attached to more massive logs that are fixed in the ground, and the fence itself hangs above the ground at a small distance. In this case, additional processing of the roundwood will not be needed.

3. The structures are with a horizontal arrangement of wood. In this case, the log cabin can be located both closely, and with gaps of the necessary size.

4. Analog of wooden fences can serve as siding, which is easier to work with your own hands, but fully imitates the structure of wood. This design is much lighter and does not require a serious foundation. It should be emphasized that all structures, except for the classic palisades and siding, require a foundation. The need is to resist strong gusts of wind, rain and snow.

Choice of material

Spruce logs
Spruce logs

Fences made of birch wood are particularly attractive. However, it should be understood that this type of wood is very short-lived and requires more time and effort for regular treatment.

Cylindrical logs are most commonly used in construction. The wood should be sharpened at 45°, stripped of bark and treated. All logs should be of approximately the same diameter, which varies between 100 and 150 mm. The use of more massive species is possible, but is less advisable as the thickness of the fence, the overall weight of the structure and the impact on the foundation increases. For constructions where the weight is put on the crossbeams, it is better to use 100 mm diameter round wood. As the same crossbars it is best to use half timber.

Do not forget that before starting work, it is necessary to treat all the material with antiseptics. Otherwise, the life of the fence will decrease several times.

Erection of support structures

Fence support structures
Fence support structures

At the first stage it is necessary to make a marking and stretch a string, according to which the support structures will be installed. The spacing between the supports should be about 2-2.5 mm. This is the optimal distance, which will reduce the number of supports to a minimum, and reduce the load on the cross rails. For a horizontal fence, the step is determined depending on the length of the logs. For the erection of a fence with a trellis, it is necessary to dig a trench with a depth of 5 cm, and in places where the posts will be installed – up to 1 meter. For a horizontally located bar, it is best to erect brick columns, in which there will be grooves for the main part of the fence. For all other types of fence, ordinary posts will be suitable, which will be bricked up in concrete. When erecting support structures, it is necessary to control that the posts have a strictly vertical position. Each of them needs to be checked with a level. It is also worth remembering that when using concrete, it is necessary to wait for its complete hardening, which is about one month. If you start work earlier than the solution hardens, it can lead to subsidence of the entire structure. This situation will negatively affect the durability and appearance of the structure.

Fence installation

When building with your own hands a fence-fence-frequency fence, those parts of the wood that will be immersed in the ground should be treated with bitumen. This is necessary in order to protect the material from dampness and rotting. Fastening of crosspieces is carried out in two places – at the bottom and top of the fence. The lower lintel is installed at a height of 20 cm from the bottom, the upper one – at a distance of 30 cm from the highest point. The lintels are fixed with nails or self-tapping screws. In order to avoid deformation of the fence, it is recommended to provide a distance between the logs of a few millimeters. This is due to the fact that at different times of the year wood can expand and contract. In the case of a horizontal arrangement of the logs, the elements are stacked in the grooves of the brick posts. At the final stage of work, it is necessary to cover the entire structure with a special varnish or paint. This will not only ensure the durability of the fence, but will also give it a more attractive appearance. The fence should be repainted at least once every 3 years. If this rule is followed, the structure will last much longer. In addition, before each repainting, it is recommended to carry out additional treatment with antiseptic agents. The question of how to make a log fence is fully considered. The process is quite simple and does not require any serious knowledge in the field of construction. The main thing is to approach the work responsibly and fulfill all the necessary conditions of preparation and installation. As a result, the homeowner will receive an original and reliable fence that will last for many years.

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